[Dreaming Matcha] Superior Yame Gyokuro Matcha Green Tea Powder [夢みる抹茶] 八女玉露 抹茶 粉末パウダー
¥30,000 – ¥2,688,000
Yamecha Yame tea [Superior Gyokuro Powder ]
This product is a luxurious “Gyokuro Powder” made from Yame Gyokuro. It’s nice to enjoy Gyokuro in powder form, and it’s also easy and convenient to use in sweets such as Gyokuro Manju and Gyokuro Yokan.
[100g, 300g, 500g, 1kg] This premium matcha comes elegantly packaged in a paulownia box, a traditional Japanese material renowned for its excellent properties. Paulownia wood is lightweight yet durable, offering exceptional protection against humidity and pests, ensuring the quality of the matcha inside is preserved at its best. Its natural beauty and fine craftsmanship make the box a fitting complement to this high-grade product.
Once the matcha is finished, the paulownia box can be repurposed as a charming storage container for small items, adding a touch of sophistication and practicality to your everyday life.
✅This is a luxurious, high-quality matcha (powdered green tea) made with 100% Yame-grown gyokuro. Yame tea’s gyokuro has a strong body, is mellow, and has a sweet taste. Gyokuro is a high-grade tea, so to enjoy the original taste of gyokuro, please drink it with cooled water at a low temperature. Since it is in powder form, it is also easy to use in gyokuro manju and other dishes.
✅無糖、無添加、無塩、無着色、無香料、ですので、そのままお湯や水、牛乳に混ぜて飲んで頂いてもいいですし、砂糖を加えてお菓子やお料理などにもお使い頂けます。It is sugar-free, additive-free, salt-free, color-free, and fragrance-free, so you can mix it with hot water, water, or milk as it is, or you can add sugar and use it for sweets and dishes.
✅玉露は、日本茶の一種で、緑茶と並んで日本茶を代表するお茶の一つです。大切な来客があった際にお出しするような高級茶というイメージがあります。玉露は、他のお茶と比べて栽培に手間がかかり、生産量が少ないため、高級品とされます。Gyokuro is a type of Japanese tea, one of the teas that represent Japanese tea alongside green tea. It has an image of a high-end tea to be served when there are important guests. Gyokuro is considered a luxury item because it takes more effort to cultivate and produces less than other teas.
✅玉露は、一定期間覆いをして、日差しを遮った状態で育てるのが特徴です。このように、摘採前の一定期間茶園に覆いをかける栽培方法のことを被覆栽培と呼びます。Gyokuro is characterized by being grown under cover for a certain period of time, blocking out the sunlight. This method of covering the tea garden for a certain period of time before harvesting is called covered cultivation.
✅同じく被覆栽培をするお茶として「かぶせ茶」がありますが、かぶせ茶よりも玉露の方が被覆期間は長めです。地域によって差はあるものの、おおむねかぶせ茶が摘採前の1週間〜10日程度、玉露が20日程度〜とされています。There is also “Kabusecha” which is also cultivated under cover, but Gyokuro has a longer covering period than Kabusecha. Although there are regional differences, Kabusecha is generally covered for about 1 week to 10 days before harvesting, while Gyokuro is covered for about 20 days or more.
✅玉露は、コクのある強い旨味が特徴です。反対に、渋味や苦味はあまり感じません。これは、お茶の旨味成分であるアミノ酸が豊富に含まれているからです。お茶に含まれるアミノ酸の中でも、特に割合の大きい成分がテアニンです。Gyokuro has a rich, strong umami flavor. On the other hand, you don’t feel much bitterness or astringency. This is because it contains a lot of amino acids, which are the umami components of tea. Among the amino acids contained in tea, theanine is the most abundant component.
✅Theanine is produced in the roots of the tea tree and transported to the leaves. At this time, it is known that when exposed to sunlight, theanine is broken down and eventually changes into catechins, which are astringent and bitter components. In the case of gyokuro, which grows with little exposure to sunlight, the umami component theanine remains in the tea leaves without changing into catechins, resulting in less bitterness.
玉露を飲むなら、香りにも注目したいところです。一口含んだ瞬間に独特の香りが鼻へと抜けていきます。玉露特有の香りは覆い香(おおいか)と呼ばれ、「青海苔のような香り」と表現されることもあります。When drinking Gyokuro, you’ll want to pay attention to its fragrance as well. As soon as you take a sip, its unique fragrance escapes through your nose. Gyokuro’s unique fragrance is called “Ooika” and is sometimes described as “a fragrance like green laver.”
In addition, the characteristics of Gyokuro brought about by covered cultivation do not stop at its taste and fragrance. If you compare the leaves of Gyokuro with those of regular sencha, you will notice that Gyokuro has a deeper green color. The green color of tea leaves is due to “chlorophyll,” which absorbs light energy through photosynthesis. Under covered cultivation, there is a need to efficiently photosynthesize with little light, so as much chlorophyll as possible is produced to capture as much light energy as possible. As a result, the green color of the tea leaves becomes darker.
If you want to enjoy delicious Gyokuro, it is recommended to brew it slowly with relatively low-temperature water around 40°C. When brewed at low temperatures, amino acids, which are umami components, are extracted sufficiently while catechins and caffeine which cause bitterness and astringency are not extracted much. If you want to enjoy Gyokuro’s characteristic strong umami flavor, low-temperature extraction is more suitable than high-temperature extraction.
This product is a luxurious “Gyokuro Powder” made from Yame Gyokuro. It’s nice to enjoy Gyokuro in powder form, and it’s also easy and convenient to use in sweets such as Gyokuro Manju and Gyokuro Yokan.
高温多湿を避け、できれば冷蔵庫に保管し、移り香にご注意ください。Avoid high temperature and humidity, and if possible, store in the refrigerator, and be careful not to transfer the fragrance.
Gyokuro is a type of Japanese tea, one of the teas that represent Japanese tea alongside green tea. It has an image of a high-end tea to be served when there are important guests. Gyokuro is considered a luxury item because it takes more effort to cultivate and produces less than other teas.
Gyokuro is characterized by being grown under cover for a certain period of time, blocking out the sunlight. This method of covering the tea garden for a certain period of time before harvesting is called covered cultivation. There is also “Kabusecha” which is also cultivated under cover, but Gyokuro has a longer covering period than Kabusecha. Although there are regional differences, Kabusecha is generally covered for about 1 week to 10 days before harvesting, while Gyokuro is covered for about 20 days or more.
Gyokuro has a rich, strong umami flavor. On the other hand, you don’t feel much bitterness or astringency. This is because it contains a lot of amino acids, which are the umami components of tea. Among the amino acids contained in tea, theanine is the most abundant component. Theanine is produced in the roots of the tea plant and transported to the leaves. At this time, when exposed to sunlight, theanine breaks down and eventually changes into catechin, which is known to be a bitter and astringent component. So what happens in the case of Gyokuro, which grows with little exposure to sunlight? The answer is that the umami component theanine remains in the tea leaves without changing into catechin.
When drinking Gyokuro, you’ll want to pay attention to its fragrance as well. As soon as you take a sip, its unique fragrance escapes through your nose. Gyokuro’s unique fragrance is called “Ooika” and is sometimes described as “a fragrance like green laver.”
In addition, the characteristics of Gyokuro brought about by covered cultivation do not stop at its taste and fragrance. If you compare the leaves of Gyokuro with those of regular sencha, you will notice that Gyokuro has a deeper green color. The green color of tea leaves is due to “chlorophyll,” which absorbs light energy through photosynthesis. Under covered cultivation, there is a need to efficiently photosynthesize with little light, so as much chlorophyll as possible is produced to capture as much light energy as possible. As a result, the green color of the tea leaves becomes darker.
If you want to enjoy delicious Gyokuro, it is recommended to brew it slowly with relatively low-temperature water around 60°C. When brewed at low temperatures, amino acids, which are umami components, are extracted sufficiently while catechins and caffeine which cause bitterness and astringency are not extracted much. If you want to enjoy Gyokuro’s characteristic strong umami flavor, low-temperature extraction is more suitable than high-temperature extraction.
Yame Sencha is a green tea produced in the Yame region of Fukuoka Prefecture. The Yame region is blessed with a cool and rainy climate, making it suitable for the production of Gyokuro, Kabusecha, and high-quality Sencha. In particular, Hon Gyokuro is the highest quality green tea, boasting the best quality and quantity in Japan. Although the Yame region is known for its Gyokuro production, its Sencha also has a refined sweetness characteristic of Gyokuro-producing areas.
The key to extracting delicious Yame Sencha is to use a small teapot that matches the amount of hot water. Pour 90ml of 70°C water over 2g of tea leaves and let it steam for 1 minute before pouring.
Our product is from Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture, located in the south of Japan, Kyushu region, which is famous among tea lovers as a production area for high-quality Japanese tea leaves with a history of 600 years since 1423. Our green tea and matcha are “100% Yame green tea and matcha from Yame farmers” carefully produced, harvested, and processed by long-established tea farmers in Yame, Fukuoka Prefecture. It is natural green tea and matcha with no additives. Green tea and matcha contain abundant natural nutrients such as catechins, minerals, saponins, theanine, and dietary fiber. However, when we drink green tea with hot water, we discard the tea leaves and waste 70% of the abundant natural nutrients. Matcha is not only delicious but also powdered green tea, so you can take in all the abundant natural nutrients of green tea without leaving any behind. When you want to “improve the quality of sleep” and “enhance relaxation effects”, please drink green tea and matcha with cold water or at a low temperature, as “epigallocatechin”, “theanine”, and “vitamin C” are easily extracted and caffeine is difficult to extract. Since caffeine is difficult to extract, it is a gentle drink for children and pregnant women. When you want to extract “epigallocatechin gallate”, which is attracting attention for its “antioxidant effect”, “obesity prevention”, “anticancer effect”, “deodorization”, and “antibacterial effect”, please drink it with hot water. Green tea and matcha contain about 5 times more vitamin C than lemon and about 10 times more folate than spinach.
緑茶・抹茶は、福岡県の八女にて、代々続く茶農家によって大切に生産、収穫、加工された“八女農家の100% 八女緑茶・抹茶“です。
[ Matcha Grades ]
🍵 原材料は、100% 八女 一番茶です。Ingredients: 100% Yame first-picked tea leaves.
🍵 新鮮な茶葉を粉末にした、本格的な味わいの抹茶。Authentic matcha green tea with the flavor of freshly ground tea leaves.
🍵 保存料や人工香料は一切不使用。No preservatives or artificial flavors added.
🍵 温水でも冷水でも、牛乳とラテでも楽しめます。Perfect with both hot water and cold water, even with milk.
🍵 毎日の忙しい生活にぴったりの抹茶。Perfect for busy daily life.
🍵 充実した一日の始まりや終わりにぴったりの抹茶です。Perfect matcha green tea for starting or ending a fulfilling day.
🍵 濃いめの抹茶を飲みたい時には、量を調節できます。Adjust the amount for a stronger brew when desired.
🍵 抹茶の苦味は冷たい水で作る場合は減少します。The bitterness of powdered matcha green tea decreases when making cold matcha with cold water.
🍵 手軽に本格的な八女抹茶を楽しめる、日常のお供に最適。Perfect for everyday enjoyment, offering authentic Yame matcha green tea with ease.
[ Matcha Grades ]
Mukoh Matcha’s Matcha Green Tea Powder is available in different grades, which are determined by the quality of the tea leaves used, and method of cultivation, and the processing methods.
- Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder:
Ceremonial Grade: This is the Highest Quality Matcha Green Tea Powder, made from the first ( spring ) leaves harvest of the year, the youngest, most tender tea leaves. Stone ground into a fine powder. Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder has a vibrant green color, and a sweet, delicate flavor. It is used for traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and is best enjoyed on its own or with simple snacks.
The green tea leaves used to make Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is carefully selected and are then steamed, dried, and stone ground into a fine Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder using traditional methods. The Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder has a bright, vibrant green color and a smooth, velvety texture, and is characterized by a sweet, delicate flavor with a hint of umami.
Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is best enjoyed as a pure Matcha Green Tea Drink, whisked with hot water in a bowl using a bamboo whisk. It is traditionally served with Japanese sweets to balance the flavor and is sipped slowly to savor the complex taste and aroma.
In addition to its delicious taste, Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is also packed with antioxidants, amino acids, and other natural nutrients that are known to provide a range of health benefits, including improved focus, energy, and metabolism. The Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder has also been shown to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and boost the immune system.
Overall, Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a luxurious and delicious tea that is highly regarded for its quality, flavor, and health benefits.
- Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder:
Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a High Quality type of Matcha that is made from young tea leaves. The tea leaves are harvested in the first ( Spring ) of the year to create a fine, vibrant green powder that can be used in a variety of ways.
The leaves used to make Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is typically slightly more mature than those used to make Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea Powder, but are still selected for their tender, young growth. They are steamed, dried, and ground into a fine powder by machine, not stone ground. Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder has a bright, fresh flavor and a smooth, creamy texture.
It is versatile and can be used in a variety of ways, including as a pure Matcha Green Tea, as a culinary ingredient, or as an ingredient in smoothies, lattes, and other drinks.
Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is also highly nutritious, containing high levels of antioxidants, amino acids, and other natural nutrients that are known to provide a range of health benefits. It is believed to help improve mental clarity, boost energy and metabolism, and promote relaxation and stress relief.
Overall, Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a High Quality and versatile Matcha Green Tea Powder that is highly regarded for its flavor and health benefits. It is an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the benefits of matcha.
- Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder:
Culinary Grade: This is used second ( summer ) leaves harvest of the year and is Lower Quality Matcha Green Tea Powder than Ceremonial or Premium Grade but our Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is still not the lowest quality compared to ones in the market. It is suitable for use in cooking, baking, and smoothies.
Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a lower grade of Matcha Green Tea Powder that is primarily used as an ingredient in cooking and baking, rather than as a pure tea. It is made from slightly older tea leaves than Ceremonial or Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder and is harvested and processed in a way that makes it more affordable and easier to use in larger quantities.
The tea leaves used to make Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is typically grown in the sun, rather than in the shade like Higher Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder such as Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder and Premium Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder, which results in a coarser texture and a more bitter flavor. They are also processed using mechanical grinding methods, rather than the traditional stone ground methods used for higher grades of Matcha Green Tea Powder.
Despite its lower quality, Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder still contains a range of natural nutrients and health benefits, including high levels of antioxidants and amino acids. However, its bitter flavor and coarser texture make it less suitable for drinking as a pure Matcha Green Tea, and it is instead used primarily as an ingredient in recipes.
Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes, including baked goods, smoothies, and savory dishes. It adds vibrant green color and a unique, slightly bitter flavor to recipes, and can also provide a nutritional boost to dishes.
Overall, Culinary Grade Matcha Green Tea Powder is a more affordable and versatile option for those who want to enjoy the flavor and health benefits of matcha in their cooking and baking. While it may not be suitable for drinking as a pure Matcha Green Tea, it is a great way to add a unique twist to your favorite recipes.
[Authentic, Rare, High-Quality, Valuable 100% Yame Matcha Green Tea Powder] made from Yame green tea Leaves. Yame tea is known for its high quality and is often considered one of the top green teas in Japan.
- Health Benefits: Matcha is known for its high concentration of antioxidants, which help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It also contains caffeine, which can boost energy and mental focus. Additionally, Matcha is said to aid in weight loss, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.
- Unique Flavor: Matcha has a distinctive, earthy flavor that sets it apart from other types of tea. It can be enjoyed as a hot or cold beverage and is often used in baking and cooking as well.
- Ritualistic Tradition: Matcha has a long-standing cultural significance in Japanese tea ceremonies and is often associated with a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Incorporating Matcha into one’s daily routine can be seen as a mindful and grounding practice.
- Versatility: Matcha can be consumed in various forms, including as a tea, latte, smoothie, or even as an ingredient in desserts and savory dishes. This versatility allows for a wide range of options for incorporating Matcha into one’s diet.
- Sustainability: Matcha is often produced using traditional farming methods that prioritize sustainability and environmental stewardship. This can appeal to consumers who are conscious of their impact on the environment and seek out products that align with their values.
Indulge in the rich and centuries-old tradition of Yamecha with our premium Yame Matcha green tea powder. Made from the finest, rare, and valuable Yame green tea, our matcha boasts a smooth, earthy flavor and is packed with antioxidants and other health-boosting nutrients.
Sourced from a region with over 600 years of history in green tea production, our Yame Matcha is a true delicacy, crafted with expert care and precision to bring you the ultimate tea-drinking experience. Treat yourself to the taste of time-honored quality with every sip of our exquisite Yame Tea Matcha.
[Yamecha / Yame tea]
Yame Tea is a brand of tea produced in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is a rare and highly esteemed brand, accounting for only about 3% of the total Japanese tea production.
Yame Tea is particularly renowned for its exceptional production of traditional premium Gyokuro tea, which holds approximately 45% of the national market share. As a result, Yame Tea boasts the highest average unit price among Japanese teas and is recognized as one of the top luxury tea-producing regions in the country.
The origin of Yame Tea dates back to the year 1423, during the Muromachi period, when the Buddhist monk Eirin Shuzen, returning from China, established Reiganji Temple in Kuroki Town. Along with the temple, he introduced the cultivation and drinking methods of Ming-style (kamairi) tea to the local village headman, Tarojirokyu Matsuo. This marked the beginning of Yame Tea’s rich history, which has now reached its 600th anniversary in 2023.
The Yame region is characterized by a geological formation of alluvial plains, where sediment (humus soil) transported by both the Chikugo River and the Yabe River has alternately accumulated. The teas cultivated in this region are known for their rich flavors and sweetness, as evaluated by sensory examinations.
The area’s propensity for fog also contributes to the unique qualities of Yame Tea. The gentle slopes of the tea fields, shrouded in mist, provide just the right amount of shade, allowing for the enhanced production of amino acids (such as theanine, glutamic acid, and arginine), which are responsible for the umami taste in tea. This natural occurrence has long made Yame Tea highly prized as a form of premium Gyokuro tea.
[Mukoh Matcha]
“Mukoh Matcha” prides itself on delivering high-quality green tea and matcha sourced exclusively from the lush, water-rich Yame region in Fukuoka, Japan, where tea production has been passed down through generations of expert farmers over the past 600 years.
Unfortunately, even if it is labeled as “Yame tea,” it often contains only a small amount of Yame tea and mostly consists of tea from other regions. In contrast, “Mukoh Matcha” guarantees its green tea & matcha are “100% Yame tea” and “single-origin”, coming directly from award-winning tea gardens.
As a mail-order business, “Mukoh Matcha” places the utmost importance on trust, reliability, and promptness to ensure that customers can enjoy the authentic taste of Japanese Green Tea & Matcha with complete peace of mind.
In addition to our retail offerings, “Mukou Matcha” also offers wholesale orders for businesses and individuals interested in purchasing our premium green tea and matcha products in larger quantities. Whether you’re looking to stock up for your own tea shop or offer our products to your customers, we are committed to delivering the same exceptional quality and authenticity that has made us a trusted choice for tea enthusiasts around the world. Please contact us for more information on our wholesale pricing and ordering options. Authentic Japanese Green Tea & Matcha [Mukoh Matcha]
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Weight | N/A |
内容量 / Net Weight | 1kg, 10kg, 20kg, 100g, 300g, 500g |
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