6 boxes [100% produced in Kyushu Yame] Natural tea catechin Epigallocatechin gallate Epigallocatechin Theanine Amino acids Dietary fiber SOD enzyme Sanpachi / 6箱 [100%九州八女産] 天然 茶カテキン エピガロカテキンガレート エピガロカテキン テアニン アミノ酸 食物繊維 SOD酵素 三八 さんぱち

重さ 360 g
SKU: sanpachi6


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38 – 三八(さんぱち)は、本物の八女抹茶八女産大麦若葉を使用しております。

38 – Sanpachi uses genuine Yame matcha and barley grass grown in Yame.


Yame is rich in nature and is a production area of ​​high-class and high-quality green tea.

原材料 : 八女抹茶、 八女産 大麦若葉

Ingredients: Yame matcha green tea, young barley leaves from Yame


Fragrance-free, preservative-free, salt-free, sugar-free, using only natural matcha and barley grass.

内容量:30包 (八女抹茶 1g、八女産大麦若葉 1g / 1pc)1箱

Contents: 30 packets (1 g of Yame matcha, 1 g of young barley leaves from Yame / 1 pc) 1 box

栄養成分 1箱 30 包 / Nutrients 1 box 30 packets

エネルギー 184.8 kal タンパク質 12.3 g、脂質 3.18 g、糖質 15.54 g、食物繊維 22.32 g、ナトリウム 9.96 mg、総ビタミンC 175.2 mg、カテキン 1.56 g、カフェイン 0.72 g

Energy 184.8 kal Protein 12.3 g, Fat 3.18 g, Carbs 15.54 g, Dietary Fiber 22.32 g, Sodium 9.96 mg, Total Vitamin C 175.2 mg, Catechin 1.56 g, Caffeine 0.72 g

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Stay healthy with natural nutrients!

茶カテキン& 大麦若葉 SOD酵素
Green tea catechin & barley grass SOD enzyme

Table of Contents

- 本物の天然成分 -
Genuine Natural Ingredients

38 – 三八(さんぱち)』の抹茶は、日本有数の銘茶の産地、九州は福岡の“八女茶”を100%使用しております。

The Matcha of “38 – Sanpachi” uses 100% “Yame tea” from Fukuoka, one of Japan’s leading tea production areas.


Yamecha is famous as a high-grade Green Tea with high quality in taste and color.


“Tea farmers” that have been handed down for generations handle everything from the production of “Matcha” and “Young barley grasses” to packaging.


It is not only good for the body, but it is also a premise that it is delicious, so we use the highest quality Matcha.


It is a “natural nutritional ingredient” Matcha (powdered Green Tea) that allows you to ingest the entire nutritional component of Green Tea, which is famous for its “tea catechins”.

・100%八女産 / 100% produced in Yame
Coloring-free, fragrance-free, preservative-free, salt-free, sugar-free

ichibantencha 38 sanpachi
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 388

38 – 三八(さんぱち)は、生産、製造、梱包まで全て八女の契約農家にて行っております。

38 – Sanpachi is produced, manufactured and packed by Yame’s contract farmers.


With natural nutritional ingredients,  – no additives, no coloring, no fragrance, no preservatives, no salt, no sugar, – everyone from children to the elderly can enjoy it every day.

Matcha has grades of quality.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 3811


Matcha also has grades. High-grade matcha has a bright and beautiful green color, but matcha used in sweets and other products gradually takes on a yellow tint.

38 – 三八(さんぱち)抹茶は、一番碾茶(てんちゃ)と言って、新茶一番茶と呼ばれるものと同様に、春に摘み取られた品質の高い抹茶を使用しております。

38 – Sanpachi’s matcha is called ichiban tencha (first tencha), and uses high-quality green tea picked in the spring called shincha or ichibancha.

Single-origin Matcha made by tea farmers that have been handed down from generation to generation in Yame, a famous tea production area.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 3813


“Single origin” refers to products made in a single region or producer.


Many teas (Green Tea) are blended with teas (Green Tea) produced in various regions, and even if it is displayed as “Yamecha”, which is famous for high-quality Green Tea, in reality, some items include very little of  “Yamecha”.

38 – 三八(さんぱち)は、混じり気のない100%八女抹茶を使用しております。

38 – Sanpachi uses 100% pure Yame Matcha.

Manufactured and packed in a clean factory that meets quality control standards

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 384

38 – 三八(さんぱち)は、衛生面に気を遣った清潔な環境で製造・梱包されております。

38 – Sanpachi is manufactured and packed in a hygienic and clean environment.


JGAP certification – JGAP is a certification given to farms working on food safety and environmental conservation in agriculture, and includes standards related to labor safety and respect for human rights.


JGAP is a certification system and a standard for management of farms and groups used by farms and producer groups such as JA. It is one of the agricultural production process management methods recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

『38 - 三八』の栄養成分について
About the Nutritional Ingredients of "38 - Sanpachi"

70% of the rich natural nutritional components of Tea (Green Tea) are discarded as used tea leaves.

sanpachi matcha barley grass juice made in japan


Did you know that Tea (Green Tea) was once considered a medicine?


It is said that “Tea wo Ippuku” is a remnant of that tradition. (See here for more details.)

お茶(緑茶)には、近年注目を浴びているカテキン類 – エピカテキン(EC)、エピガロカテキン(EGC)、エピカテキンガラート(ECg)、エピガロカテキンガラート(EGCg)を始め、アミノ酸カフェインビタミン食物繊維テアニンなど豊富な天然の栄養成分が含まれています。

Tea (green tea) contains catechins-epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECg), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), which have been attracting attention in recent years, as well as amino acids and It contains abundant natural nutrients such as caffeine, vitamins, dietary fiber, and theanine.


However, because these ingredients are insoluble, the way we drink Tea (Green Tea) with hot or cold water results in wasting 70% of these rich natural nutrients. .

『38 - 三八(さんぱち)』なら豊富な緑茶の天然成分を100%摂取できます。
With "38 - Sanpachi", you can take in 100% of the abundant natural ingredients of Green Tea.

38完全食品 1
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 382


Matcha and Tea (Green Tea) seem to be different things, but in fact, matcha is a type of Tea (Green Tea) and is made from a raw material called tencha, which is made from powdered tea leaves. Because of its condition, it is not only delicious, but it is also possible to take 100% of the rich natural ingredients of Tea (Green Tea).

『38 - 三八(さんぱち)』抹茶の栄養成分
"38 - Sanpachi" Matcha Nutrients

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁

38 – 三八(さんぱち)は、ナトリウム、カリウム、マグネシウム、リン、鉄、亜鉛、銅、ベータカロチン、レチノール、ビタミンD / K / B1 / B2 / C、トコフェロール、葉酸、パントテン、食物繊維、パルミチン酸、リノール酸、リノレン酸、イソロイシン、ロイシン、リシン、メチオニン、シスチン、フェニルアラニン、チロシン、トレオニン、バリン、ヒスチジン、アルギニン、アラニン、アスパラギン酸、グルタミン酸、グリシン、プロリン、セリン、SOD酵素が含まれています。

38 – Sanpachi contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, beta-carotene, retinol, vitamins D/K/B1/B2/C, tocopherols, folic acid, pantothene, dietary fiber, palmitic acid , linoleic acid, linolenic acid, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, threonine, valine, histidine, arginine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, SOD enzymes.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 389

抹茶は、茶葉を丸ごと挽いて作る緑茶の一種です。抗酸化物質、特にカテキンの効果が注目されています。また、カフェイン、テアニン (リラクゼーションを促進するアミノ酸)、ビタミン C、セレン、クロム、亜鉛などのビタミンやミネラルも含まれています。さらに、抹茶にはクロロフィルが豊富に含まれており、体の解毒と健康な肌の促進に役立ちます。

Matcha is a type of green tea that is made from ground whole tea leaves. It is a rich source of antioxidants, particularly a type called catechins. It also contains caffeine, theanine (an amino acid that can promote relaxation), and small amounts of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, selenium, chromium, and zinc. Additionally, matcha is rich in chlorophyll, which can help to detoxify the body and promote healthy skin. 

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 3810


カテキンには、抗炎症作用と抗がん作用があることが示されています。また、コレステロール値と血圧値を下げるのにも役立つ可能性があります。エピカテキン、エピカテキン-3-ガレート (ECGC)、エピカテキン-3-ガレート (ECGC) は、抹茶に含まれる最も顕著なカテキンです。

Catechins are a type of antioxidant found in plants, particularly in green tea. They are a subcategory of flavonoids, which are a larger class of plant-based compounds that have been studied for their potential health benefits.

Catechins have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, and may also help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate (ECGC), epicatechin-3-gallate (ECGC) are some of the most well-known catechins found in Matcha.

Some studies suggest that catechins may also help to improve cardiovascular health and protect against cognitive decline. However, more research is needed to confirm these potential benefits and to understand the optimal dosage and duration of catechin consumption.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 386

茶カテキンだけじゃない、『38 - 三八』の栄養
The nutrition of "38 - Sanpachi", not just Tea Catechins

『38 - 三八』には、スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ(SOD)で有名な100%八女産の大麦若葉も贅沢に配合されているのです!
"38 - Sanpachi" is also richly blended with 100% Yame barley grass, which is famous for its superoxide dismutase (SOD)!

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 3814

38 – 三八(さんぱち)の大麦若葉もやっぱり100%八女産です。

38 – Sanpachi barley grass is also 100% produced in Yame.

「38 - 三八」(さんぱち)に含まれる大麦若葉
Young barley leaves included in "38 - Sanpachi"

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 387




Young barley grass is a type of grass that is harvested when it is young, typically at around 7-10 days old, before it has had a chance to mature and develop a seed head. It is considered to be a highly nutritious food, as it is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.

Barley grass is a rich source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and potassium. It also contains high levels of chlorophyll, which is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying properties. Additionally, it’s a source of antioxidants, and high in enzymes, which can aid in digestion.

Young barley grass is often consumed in powder form, which can be added to smoothies, juices, and other foods. It can also be found in supplement form.

It is also a good source of dietary fiber, which can help with digestion and weight management.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 385

A nutrient called SOD enzyme contained in young barley leaves




  1. 抗酸化作用: SODは活性酸素を分解するため、活性酸素による細胞の損傷を防ぐことができます。

  2. 抗炎症作用: SODは活性酸素を分解することで、炎症を抑制する効果があります。

  3. 抗加齢作用: SODは活性酸素を分解することで、細胞の老化を遅らせる効果があります。

  4. ストレス軽減効果: SODは活性酸素を分解することで、ストレスによる細胞の損傷を防ぐことができます。

Young barley leaves contain a nutrient called superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, which is an antioxidant enzyme. SOD plays an important role in neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells in the body. Free radicals can be generated by environmental factors such as pollution, UV rays, and tobacco smoke, as well as from metabolic processes within the body.

SOD is one of the most important antioxidants in the body, it is known to be a powerful scavenger of superoxide, which is a highly reactive oxygen species that can cause oxidative damage to cells and tissues. The presence of SOD in young barley leaves makes it a powerful tool in fighting against the damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to a number of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and aging.

SOD enzyme along with other antioxidants like Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase, which also present in young barley leaves, work together to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

SOD (superoxide dismutase) is an antioxidant enzyme that is known to protect cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) by converting them into less harmful substances. The SOD enzyme found in young barley leaves is believed to have similar effects on the body.

Some potential health benefits associated with SOD enzyme found in young barley leaves include:

  1. Anti-aging effects: SOD enzyme can help to slow down the aging process by protecting cells from damage caused by ROS.

  2. Anti-inflammatory effects: SOD enzyme can help to reduce inflammation by neutralizing ROS, which are known to contribute to inflammation.

  3. Stress reduction: SOD enzyme can help to protect cells from damage caused by stress and reduce the negative effects of stress on the body.

  4. Immune system support: SOD enzyme can help to support the immune system by protecting cells from damage and promoting their repair and regeneration.

『38 - 三八』お勧めの飲み方
How to drink "38 - Sanpachi"

『38 - 三八』は、ホットでもアイスでも美味しくお飲み頂けます。
"38-Sanpachi" can be enjoyed hot or iced.

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
high quality japanese matcha sanpachi 383

What does "Sanhachi" taste like? "Refined Matcha Flavor"

38 – 三八(さんぱち)の味は、上品な抹茶味ですので、アイスグリーンティとして、冬はホットで、お飲み頂けます。

38 – Sanpachi has an elegant matcha flavor, so you can drink it both way hot or iced.

三八 抹茶 粉末 緑茶 八女茶 yamecha matcha powder sanpachi
tastes of sanpachi


Easy to carry, “stick individual packaging”

三八 38 sanpachi さんぱち 飲む抹茶 粉末緑茶 抹茶簡単 greentea matcha 抹茶粉末 高級青汁
how to drink 38 sanpachi


“38 Sanpachi” is a refreshing matcha flavored drink. Please enjoy the taste and efficacy by adjusting the concentration.

三八 抹茶 粉末 緑茶 八女茶 yamecha matcha powder sanpachi
greentea nutritions 38 japan




Matcha and young barley leaves are often consumed as health supplements, and they are believed to have various health benefits.

Matcha is a type of green tea powder that is made from finely ground whole tea leaves. It is rich in antioxidants, catechins, and other beneficial compounds. It is commonly consumed by people who want to improve their overall health and well-being, or who are looking for an energy boost without the jitters associated with caffeine. Some people also drink matcha for its potential weight loss, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.

Young barley leaves are also consumed as a health supplement, and are believed to be high in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial compounds. They are commonly consumed by people who want to improve their overall health and well-being, or who are looking for a natural way to support their immune system.

体の為に飲む抹茶(緑茶)『38 - 三八』の飲み方や栄養成分の動画です。

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重さ 360 g



“6 boxes [100% produced in Kyushu Yame] Natural tea catechin Epigallocatechin gallate Epigallocatechin Theanine Amino acids Dietary fiber SOD enzyme Sanpachi / 6箱 [100%九州八女産] 天然 茶カテキン エピガロカテキンガレート エピガロカテキン テアニン アミノ酸 食物繊維 SOD酵素 三八 さんぱち” の口コミを投稿します

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