What is Green Tea?
“Green tea” is “a tea that suppresses the action of oxidizing enzymes by steaming and heat-treating the tea leaves without fermenting them.” There are “Gyokuro”, “Sencha” and “Bancha”.
“Matcha”, “Green Tea” and “Roasted tea” are all the same “Tea” manufacturing process (fermentation) are different.
Therefore, the nutritional content is almost the same. If you want to know the effects, efficacy and benefits of “Matcha”, “Green Tea”, or “Tea”, please read this article.
All these teas are made from the same "tea tree".

“Green Tea”, which used to be “Medicine”, is a Natural Supplement.
In Yame, a high-class tea production area in Kyushu, supported by Mukoh / Mukou Matcha, there are tea plantations with a history of 600 years and tea farmers who have been in the area for generations, wholeheartedly makes the Green Tea that Japan is proud of.
However, the number of people who drink “Tea” from a teapot is decreasing. Thereby, there are many tea farmers who have no choice but to become part-time farmers and eventually go out of business.
In Yame, there are still many tea farmers who continue to make “Delicious, High Quality, Rich and Sweet Yame Tea (Green Tea)” without compromising on taste.
Tea (Green Tea) is well known as a luxury item, but it is said that it was actually a “Medicine” in the past.
We would like everyone to know the unknown effects and benefits of Tea (Green tea), and drink “Japanese Tea (Green Tea)” as a natural supplement for your health.
For your health, let's get into the habit of drinking "Japanese Green Tea" every day.
Even us, didn’t know that “Tea (Green Tea)”, which we have been familiar with for many years, has such amazing benefits and effects. Let’s learn Japanese Green Tea effects & benefits.
Tea (Green Tea) has been prized as a herbal medicine for longevity since BC. The world’s oldest scientific book on tea “Chakyo” and “Kissa Yojoki” are famous. However, Tea (Green Tea) was a luxury item and only nobles could drink it. Also, it was only in the 1980s that the health benefits of drinking Tea (Green Tea) began to be discussed on a scientific basis. Research on Tea (Green Tea) and cancer prevention has become active due to the fact that the standardized mortality rate of gastric cancer is low in Shizuoka Prefecture, where Tea (Green Tea) is often consumed. Vitamin C, Caffeine, Theanine, and Catechin are well known among the ingredients of “Tea (Green Tea)“.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Take one dose of tea”? This “one dose” comes from the fact that Tea (Green Tea) used to be a “Medicine“. A long time ago in China, a legendary man named Shennong, who is said to have taught agriculture and medicine, used his own body to check the poisons and medicinal properties of various plants, wrote books, and taught them to people. .

The next person is a monk named Eisai. This person popularized the custom of tea drinking in Japan, and seems to have been so knowledgeable about tea that he even wrote a book called “Kissa Yojoki”. This book consists of two volumes. Volume 1 describes the types of Tea, the method of making Matcha, and the health benefits of Tea. In this “Kissa Yojoki”, it is written that “Tea is a Miracle Medicine for aging, a herbal medicine for health“, and it also said that Tea was treated as a Medicine.
The idea of "Tea for Health"
In this way, “Tea”, which was thought to be a “Medicine” in the past, is now known as an anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-oxidation (aging) anti-virus, anti-allergy, anti-stress, anti-bacterial, etc. It has been proven in more detail the “efficacy and benefits of Tea” such as reducing and alleviating body fat, increasing blood pressure, preventing and suppressing arteriosclerosis, diabetes, influenza, etc.
In this way, Tea (Green Tea) is not only a luxury item that enjoys the taste and aroma, but also a health drink that works to improve physiological functions, prevent diseases, and improve symptoms.
Currently, research into the role of Tea (Green Tea) in improving physiological functions, preventing disease, and improving symptoms is being conducted on a global scale, and the number of published papers has increased by about 3.5 times from 10 years ago. Reports on Green Tea and Green Tea ingredients account for more than 60% of them.

In terms of taste and aroma, Tea, which has a unique taste and aroma, relieves stress and provides comfort.
In today’s stressful society, everyone feels intense stress, and it is known that stress induces, exacerbates, and accelerates the progress of various diseases.
Drinking Tea (Green Tea) relieves stress, creates a place for people to interact, and allows you to take in various functional ingredients while having fun.
Since the Kamakura period (1185-1333), Tea (Green Tea) has spread as a food product developed as a form of spiritual training, giving rise to a unique spiritual culture called “Tea Ceremony.”
In this way, “Tea (Green Tea)“, which has both health functions and a role as a luxury item, is becoming more and more important for our health by fusing its “spiritual culture” and “functional science”.

Is Tea good for cancer?
Anticancer effect
About 25 years ago, it was announced that the age-adjusted death rate from gastric cancer was low in Nakakawane Town (at that time) in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the national average was 20.8 for men and 29.2 for women compared to the national average of 100.
Triggered by research that linked these results to tea, research into the anticancer effects of Tea (Green Tea) progressed.
In many experiments using mice and rats, it was found that the carcinogenesis rate decreased when carcinogen-administered animals were given Tea (Green Tea). It also has been shown to suppress metastasis.
Tea (Green Tea) contains various components and has various effects that are useful for maintaining health.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), one of the Green Tea polyphenol catechins, is the main anticancer component of Tea (Green Tea). When epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is added to the culture medium of cancer cells, the growth of cancer cells is suppressed or the cells die.
There are several possible mechanisms by which epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) exerts this effect, the main one being the induction of apoptosis.
Apoptosis is a physiological phenomenon that occurs when unnecessary cells are removed, but if it is induced in cancer cells, it can kill the cancer cells themselves. In fact, several anticancer drugs are known to act by this mechanism.

As shown in the image, when epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) binds to a protein on the surface of cancer cells, the signal is transmitted to the nucleus and DNA is cleaved, dividing the cell and causing death.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) induces apoptosis more strongly in cancer cells than in normal cells.
Cancer cells proliferate by repeating cell division through a process called the cell cycle. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) stops the cancer cell cycle and inhibits cancer cell proliferation by acting on various factors involved in this process.
One of the causes of cancer is damage to DNA caused by active oxygen generated in the body. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has the ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species, which may suppress carcinogenesis.
Whether Tea (Green Tea) and catechins have anticancer effects in humans has not yet been established.
However, recent epidemiological studies have reported that people who drink Tea (Green Tea) have a lower risk of stomach cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, and endometrial cancer.
There is also a paper showing that Tea (Green Tea) catechins were effective in preventing prostate cancer in a clinical intervention trial.
These matters need to be confirmed in future clinical trials.
Recently, the US FDA has approved a formulation that uses Green Tea Catechins as an ointment. Several clinical trials have confirmed its efficacy as a treatment for genital warts, a type of benign squamous cell tumor.
Suppression of carcinogenesis promotion

Research into the cancer prevention of Tea (Green Tea) began in earnest in the 1980s, starting with in vitro experiments and progressing to research on animals and humans.
Up to the stage of animal experiments, Tea (Green Tea) has been shown to be effective in suppressing cancer in an overwhelming number of cases.
Interest is now focused on whether drinking Tea (Green Tea) is effective in preventing cancer in humans.
The active ingredients of Tea (Green Tea) are thought to be mainly catechins, which have been shown to be effective in inhibiting the initiation of carcinogenesis (mutation), promoting carcinogenesis and inhibiting progression, and promoting apoptosis (self-destruction) of cancer cells. Various mechanisms of action have been elucidated, such as inhibition of cancer metastasis and inhibition of angiogenesis.
Cancer prevention in healthy people is thought to be more effective in targeting pro-carcinogenic stages (oncogenic promotion) than in the more difficult-to-control initiating stages (mutations).
In experiments using cultured cells, among the four types of tea leaves, Green Tea was found to have the strongest inhibitory effect on carcinogenic promotion.
In Green Tea, two-thirds of its activity is derived from catechins. It was found that the function of the factor is remarkably suppressed.
Tea (green tea) exerts anticancer effects by suppressing carcinogenesis-promoting processes, but catechins are not the only active ingredient. It would be nice to enjoy drinking while expecting health benefits.
Prevention of recurrence of colon polyps
“Effect of administration of Green Tea extract supplement to prevent recurrence of colorectal polyps after endoscopic resection”
When patients who had had colonic polyps removed endoscopically took a “Green Tea extract supplement” for one year, the recurrence rate of polyps decreased from 31% to 15%, and the size of recurrent polyps were getting smaller.

Colorectal polyps (adenomas) are precancerous lesions of colorectal cancer, and removal of colorectal polyps is thought to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Colon polyps are known to recur easily within a few years after endoscopic resection.
Patients who underwent endoscopic resection of colon polyps were asked to drink Tea (Green Tea) as usual, and then take Green Tea extract (1.5 g per day) as a supplement.
We found that patients who took Green Tea and Green Tea extract supplements were less likely to develop colon polyps (they were less likely to recur), and even if polyps did occur, they were smaller in size.
When we investigated whether there is a relationship between daily Tea (Green Tea) intake and the recurrence of colorectal polyps, we found that patients who drank an average of 10 or more cups of Green Tea per day were more likely to have polyp recurrence.
In order to prevent the recurrence of colonic polyps, it is considered necessary to take approximately 2.5 to 3.0 g or more of Green Tea extract per day.
Make good use of Tea (Green Tea) and supplements to prevent colon polyps.
Can Tea ( Green Tea ) help you lose body fat?

It was found that continuous ingestion of high-concentration Tea ( Green Tea ) catechins increase the lipid metabolism activity in the body, making it easier to consume fat as energy, and has the effect of reducing body fat.
We divided 80 slightly overweight men and women into two groups, and while maintaining their diet and exercise levels as they were in their daily lives, they were asked to drink one bottle of Tea containing catechins a day for 12 weeks.
As a result, it was found that the group who continuously drank the “high-concentration tea catechin drink” decreased their body weight, BMI (body mass index), and abdominal fat mass (visceral fat mass, subcutaneous fat mass).
From the results of many tests, we found that (1) the effect of reducing body fat is correlated with the intake of Tea catechins, and (2) the greater the amount of visceral fat before the test, the greater the effect of reducing body fat.
From the results of research so far, it has been found that continuous intake of “highly concentrated Tea catechins” increases the “fat burning amount” during daily activities and the “fat burning amount” taken from meals. It has also been confirmed that lipid metabolism in the “liver” and “muscles” is activated by continuously ingesting “high-concentration Tea catechins“.
Due to the action of “Tea catechin“, it is thought that “body fat is reduced” because it becomes easier to consume fat as energy.
Catechins and Caffeine reduce obesity?
In recent years, a fatty Western-style diet has become common in Japan, and as a result, the number of patients with metabolic syndrome which has increased and become a social problem. The main cause of metabolic syndrome is obesity. Obesity can lead to hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.
Furthermore, it causes “arteriosclerosis“, and as a result, causes diseases such as “myocardial infarction” and “stroke” that lead to death.
In Japan, one in five adults is already said to be obese, and it goes without saying that prevention is extremely important to lead a healthy life.
"Green tea" and its components "catechin" and "caffeine" have an "obesity suppression effect"

It has been confirmed in experiments that “Tea (Green Tea)” has an “obesity suppression effect (fat accumulation suppression effect)”.
When mice were fed a diet containing 2% powdered Tea (Green Tea) for 4 months, stomach “fat” decreased by about 60%, although the amount of food remained the same.
In addition, the amount of fat in the blood and liver was significantly reduced.
Furthermore, it was found that combining Tea (Green Tea)’s two main components, “tea catechin” and “caffeine,” has the same effect of suppressing fat accumulation as “Tea (Green Tea).”
As a mechanism for suppressing this, it was found that “Tea catechin” and “Caffeine” improve the “lipid metabolism” of the “liver” and “fat cells” and promote the thermogenic function in the body and “ingestion of green tea ingredients” can efficiently consume fat and suppress “obesity”.
Reduce body fat
Suppressing effect on elevation of blood triglycerides

Ingested fat is broken down by a digestive enzyme (lipase) secreted by the pancreas, absorbed from the small intestine, and enters the bloodstream.
For this reason, triglycerides in the blood temporarily rise after eating, and are then metabolized.
However, it is known that if the level of triglycerides in the blood continues to be high due to metabolic disorders, etc., body fat and visceral fat accumulate, leading to obesity.
Obesity is a risk factor for various diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.
Animal experiments have shown that administration of gallated catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate, which is abundant in Tea (Green Tea), suppresses the increase in blood triglycerides.
This is probably because the activity of lipase secreted from the pancreas is suppressed, slowing down the decomposition of fat.
Body fat lowering effect

We asked people with a high BMI to drink a beverage containing 215.3 mg of “tea catechin“, which is more than 90% gallated catechins, twice a day and once with each meal, every day for 12 weeks.
From week 4 to week 12, BMI and body weight decreased compared to initial and control values.
“Body fat” and “visceral fat” also decreased in the 12th week.
BMI is a value calculated by weight (Kg) ÷ (height (m)) 2, and is an indicator of obesity.
Reduce blood pressure

People who drank 120ml or more of Green Tea (about 1 cup of hot water) every day for more than a year had a 46% lower risk of developing hypertension than those who did not drink Green Tea. Epidemiological studies have reported that regular drinking of Tea (Green Tea) may prevent hypertension.
In order to investigate the effect of Tea (Green Tea) on blood pressure, hypertensive model animals were given an aqueous solution of “Green Tea polyphenol”, the main component of which is tea catechin, for 3 weeks.
Blood pressure increases with age in hypertensive model animals, but the increase in blood pressure was suppressed in the Green Tea group given “Green Tea polyphenols.”

In addition, in the Green Tea group, “nitric oxide”, which dilates blood vessels, increased in the blood.
Examination of the blood vessels revealed that catalase, a reactive oxygen-scavenging enzyme, increased and contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells was suppressed.
Excessive “reactive oxygen” in the body is involved in the onset and progression of various diseases.
It has been reported that “active oxygen” is increased in “hypertensive patients” compared to “normal blood pressure”.
“Green Tea polyphenol” itself also has the function of removing “active oxygen”.
Drinking Green Tea increases the amount of “reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes” in the body, promoting vasodilation, which is thought to suppress the rise in blood pressure.
Prevent stroke
Stroke is the number one cause of needing nursing care
A stroke is when a blood vessel in the brain is clogged (cerebral infarction) or ruptured (cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage), and some of the cells in the brain die or function poorly.
Stroke symptoms include neurological symptoms such as paralysis of limbs and disturbance of consciousness.
Stroke was once the leading cause of death.Advances in blood pressure treatment and control have reduced the number of “stroke” deaths. Currently, the number of deaths due to “stroke” is the third highest after “malignant neoplasm (cancer)” and “heart disease”. However, the number of stroke patients is expected to increase in the future as the population ages. A characteristic of stroke is that it leaves physical and mental dysfunction as after effects, making it the number one cause of the need for nursing care. In other words, a stroke places a heavy burden not only on the patient but also on the family, so it is very important to prevent stroke and reduce brain damage at the onset of stroke.
Stroke prevention effect of Green tea catechins

“Tea catechins” 0.5% “aqueous solution”extracted from Green Tea (polyphenon EⓇ, epigallocatechin gallate 58.4%) were administered to “stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats,” an experimental animal model that genetically develops hypertension followed by “cerebral hemorrhage” from a young age. It was found that rats fed Tea Catechin extracted from Green Tea had a milder increase in blood pressure and were less prone to cerebral hemorrhage than rats fed water.
Experimental “cerebral infarction” was caused by temporarily stopping “cerebral blood flow” in rats given 0.5% aqueous solution of “Polyphenon E”, a tea catechin product, for 5 days. It was found that the “degree of brain damage” was smaller and the “neurological symptoms” were less severe than in rats given only water.
The effects of Tea Catechins on preventing stroke and reducing brain damage are considered to relate to the effects of tea catechins, which suppress the production of hormones that increase blood pressure and remove active oxygen generated when a stroke occurs.
Prevent arteriosclerosis

Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes, and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play an important role in transporting this cholesterol from the liver through blood vessels to peripheral tissues.
Peripheral tissues will not take up more cholesterol once they have taken up enough cholesterol. If you have more cholesterol than you need, your LDL levels in your blood will rise. When LDL is in the blood for a long time, it infiltrates into the subendothelium and is oxidized to oxidized LDL. This oxidized LDL damages the innermost endothelial cells of blood vessels, making them prone to clot formation.
When monocytes, a type of white blood cell in the blood, find oxidized LDL, they gather there, differentiate into macrophages, and eat and remove oxidized LDL.
Macrophages continue to eat until they run out of oxidized LDL, but if they can’t eat them all, they become foamy cells and eventually die.
In other words, the carcasses of macrophages that have eaten a lot of cholesterol remain in the blood vessel (under the endothelium). This is the beginning of atherosclerotic plaque formation.
This suggests that preventing LDL from becoming oxidized LDL is important for suppressing the onset and progression of arteriosclerosis.
In an experiment to oxidize LDL extracted from porcine blood, it was found that tea catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) strongly inhibit this oxidation.
EGCG and ECG were also found to strongly suppress platelet aggregation, which plays an important role in thrombus formation.
Next, after giving 300 mg of tea catechin (trade name: Polyphenon E, containing about 60% EGCG) extracted from green tea twice a day in the morning and evening for one week, LDL was prepared from the blood and examined how much it was oxidized. They found that LDL was oxidized to a lesser degree than those who took Polyphenon E compared to those who did not.
In addition, it was found that giving Polyphenon E (0.08% aqueous solution) to mice that developed arteriosclerosis for 14 weeks reduced the area of arteriosclerotic lesions in the aorta.
Based on the above, it is thought that when drinking green tea, tea catechins are absorbed from the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream, suppressing the oxidation of LDL and preventing the onset and progression of arteriosclerosis.
Because tea catechins are water-soluble, they are excreted relatively quickly from the kidneys into the urine.
In order to maintain blood levels of tea catechins, drinking green tea several times a day is necessary.
Pprevent blood sugar spikes
Prevent blood sugar spikes Eating foods that contain carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars, can raise blood sugar levels. This is because carbohydrates are broken down by digestive enzymes in the small intestine, absorbed, and enter the blood.
When blood sugar levels rise, insulin is secreted and works to lower blood sugar levels to normal. Blood sugar levels in healthy people are regulated within a certain range by the action of various hormones such as insulin.
Diabetes is a condition in which the ability to regulate blood sugar levels is impaired for some reason, resulting in high blood sugar levels.
Antihyperglycemic effect of tea catechins

Tea catechin has the function to moderate the absorption of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates in food are broken down into glucose, fructose, etc. by digestive enzymes (α-glucosidase) in the small intestine and then absorbed into the body.
By suppressing the activity of this α-glucosidase, tea catechin reduces the absorption of carbohydrates into the body and has the effect of keeping blood sugar levels low.
Inhibitory effect of matcha bread on blood sugar rise

In order to clarify the effect of tea on blood glucose elevation in humans, an experiment was conducted in which sweet buns containing 0.75 g of matcha were ingested and changes in blood sugar levels were compared with those of a usual sweet bun.
Thus, it can be said that the combination of carbohydrate-rich foods and tea catechins is effective in suppressing the absorption of carbohydrates and keeping blood sugar levels low.
As a result, the blood sugar level in the case of matcha bread was suppressed lower than that in the case of the other bread at 45 and 60 minutes after eating.
Diabetes prevention and improvement, effective in various ways
Diabetes is a pathological condition in which blood sugar levels are pathologically high, such as postprandial hyperglycemia and chronic hyperglycemia.
There are several types of diabetes, and about 90% of diabetes in Japan is said to be type 2 diabetes caused by various lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise.
If hyperglycemia is left untreated for a long period of time, damage to capillaries will occur, increasing the frequency of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.
Diabetes treatment varies depending on the etiology and severity, but in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, in addition to diet and exercise therapy, which are particularly important, drug therapy is used to control blood sugar levels.
Antidiabetic drugs are used to inhibit glucose absorption from the intestinal tract, stimulate insulin secretion, improve peripheral insulin sensitivity, and inhibit gluconeogenesis.
Gluconeogenesis is the formation of glucose in the body from substances other than sugar (such as lactic acid and amino acids).
Experiments using cultured cells and animals have shown that tea catechins have a wide variety of effects, including inhibition of amylase activity, suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis, protection of pancreatic cells, promotion of insulin secretion, promotion of glucose uptake into muscles, and anti-inflammatory effects. Through its action, it has been found that it exhibits an anti-diabetic effect.
In fact, in human glucose tolerance tests, the blood sugar control effect of green tea has been confirmed.
Furthermore, it has also been revealed that green tea contains components other than catechins that exhibit similar effects.
In this way, it is thought that drinking green tea can prevent or improve diabetes through the multiple action mechanisms of the various green tea components contained therein.
Since diabetes increases the risk of obesity, arteriosclerosis, liver cancer, colon cancer, etc., regular drinking of green tea is expected to be useful for the primary prevention of various diseases.
Suppressive effect of green tea on blood glucose elevation in humans

After ingesting hot water or green tea (matcha powder 1.5g/150ml), a glucose tolerance test was performed. As a result of measuring the blood sugar level over time, it was found that the blood sugar level was significantly suppressed in the green tea intake group.
Fight off colds
Prevent virus infection

Green tea contains ingredients that act directly on the viruses that cause influenza and the common cold in children, neutralizing the infection of these viruses.
Tea catechin is a typical example.
Influenza viruses infect cells in the throat and nasal cavities using two types of spike-like proteins protruding from the surface of virus particles.
Tea catechin acts directly on the spike protein and suppresses its activity to prevent influenza virus infection.
Among tea catechins, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in particular has been shown to exhibit a strong effect.
In addition, although it differs from tea catechins, it has become clear that a component called strictinin, which is contained about 0.5% in dried tea leaves, also strongly suppresses the infection of influenza viruses and viruses that cause colds in children.
Strictinin acts differently from tea catechins, and is thought to prevent viral infection by interfering with the binding of virus and cell membranes.
Gargling recommendation
Influenza prevention

Influenza is an acute, severe upper respiratory tract infection that predominates in winter.
Infection is caused by the influenza virus, which spreads through droplets and contact.
It is highly contagious and can progress to pneumonia and encephalopathy, so preventive measures are extremely important.
Influenza prevention measures include vaccination, washing hands, wearing a mask, and gargling, but none of them are perfect.
In addition to these preventive measures, gargling with green tea catechins and attempts to prevent influenza by drinking green tea have recently attracted attention.
Influenza prevention effect by gargling tea catechin

Tea catechins bind to spikes on the surface of influenza virus and inhibit virus adsorption to the host cell surface to prevent infection.
This effect is said to be independent of the type of influenza virus.
A clinical study was conducted on residents of special nursing homes to investigate the influenza preventive effect of gargling tea catechins.
As a result of gargling with green tea catechin extract (total catechin concentration 200 μg/mL, about half the concentration of a commercially available green tea PET bottle drink) three times a day for three months, compared to gargling with water, we found that the incidence of influenza decreased.
Influenza prevention effect by drinking green tea
In addition to catechins, green tea contains ingredients such as theanine and vitamin C that boost immunity against infections, so drinking green tea is expected to be effective in preventing influenza.
Regulation of immune function
Activation of immunity

As winter approaches, everyone worries about colds and the flu.
Living organisms prevent pathogens from entering the body by skillfully controlling the balance between activation and suppression of the immune system.
However, when the immune system weakens due to various causes, that is, when the barrier against pathogens weakens, the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases.
Epigallocatechin (EGC), which improves the function of the mucosal immune system

Mucous membranes that come in contact with the outside world, such as the respiratory and digestive organs, are the main route of infection for pathogens.
The mucosal immune system is an immune system that prevents pathogens from invading through the mucosa, and can be said to be the front line of biological defense.
It has been confirmed that EGC, a type of catechin, has the effect of improving the function of the mucosal immune system.
However, this EGC function is weakened by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Brewing green tea with hot water facilitates leaching of EGCG, which weakens the effect of EGC.
Brewing green tea with cold water (cold brew green tea) reduces the amount of EGCG in the infusion, making it easier for the EGC to work.
To activate the mucosal immune system and prevent the invasion of pathogens, it seems to be good to drink tea brewed with cold water.
Effective against allergies such as hay fever
Allergy is an excessive immune reaction that is initiated by the release of histamine when immunoglobulins called IgE and allergens bind to mast cells in the mucous membrane and basophils in the blood.
Methylated catechin is tea catechin in which part of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) or epicatechin gallate (ECG) is methyl-etherified.
Methylated catechins are known to exert antiallergic effects by strongly suppressing histamine release in mast cells and basophils.
Effects of methylated catechins
Effect of ``green tea'' containing a large amount of methylated catechins on reducing cedar pollen symptoms

People with symptoms of cedar pollinosis were asked to drink green tea containing 1.5-2.5% methylated catechin on a dry matter basis for a long time so that the amount of methylated catechin was 34 mg or more per day.
As a result, it was found that drinking “green tea” reduced the number of nose blows and itchy eyes after pollen scattering.
Compared to those who started drinking green tea 1.5 months before pollen dispersal, those who started drinking green tea after pollen dispersal had more runny nose, tearing, nasal allergy symptoms, and sore throat.
Similar results have been obtained in people with perennial allergic rhinitis.
In addition, when a cream containing green tea extract was applied to children with atopic dermatitis for 8 weeks, it was reported that the amount of steroid hormone used decreased compared to the use of the cream alone.
Prevention of aging and dementia
Effective for skin aging prevention and beauty

Vitamins were discovered throughout the 20th century as essential micronutrients for human health and life support, and there are currently 13 known types.
They are roughly divided into water-soluble ones (vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid) and oil-soluble ones (vitamins A, D, E, K).
Tea leaves contain all 12 of these 13 vitamins, excluding vitamin D.
Among vitamins, vitamin C is known as a vitamin that has excellent beauty effects and prevents the aging of the skin and blood vessels. Vitamin C is abundantly contained in tea leaves, fresh vegetables and fruits, so it is rare to become deficient. However, vitamin C is weak against heat. For example, in foods that are boiled, such as spinach, it dissolves from the leaves or decomposes, and depending on the conditions, it can be reduced to about half.
However, the case of tea leaves (sencha) is different.
In the case of tea leaves, it is necessary to ingest the extract extracted from the tea leaves with boiling water, and tea catechins (a kind of biofactor), which are abundant in tea leaves and exhibit strong antioxidant power, are eluted.
Prevents decomposition of vitamin C, so you can take vitamin C efficiently.
This applies not only to vitamin C, but also to other water-soluble vitamins.
In the case of matcha, the same is true for oil-soluble vitamins.
In recent years, such mutual “coexistence effect” has come to be recognized as “recycling effect” or “saving effect” in the human body.
For example, vitamin E, which is in the membrane of each cell and contributes to the stabilization of the cell membrane, is restored to its original vitamin E by vitamin C outside the cell even if it is once oxidized.
Many vitamins and biofactors coexist in tea leaves in a well-balanced manner.
By ingesting all of them efficiently, it is thought that you can enjoy the value as a “multivitamin preparation” or “super supplement”.
Prevent brain aging and prevent dementia

In Japan, the number of elderly people is increasing rapidly, and the number of dementia patients is also increasing rapidly.
Since the number of patients with dementia increases with age, aging is the greatest risk factor for dementia.
Since there is still no cure for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, “prevention” is of utmost importance.
We cannot stop aging, but it is possible to reduce the risk of developing dementia by preventing aging.
Tea (green tea) contains catechins, which give it an astringent taste, and theanine, which gives it its umami flavor.
It has been found that this “tea catechin” and “theanine” have the effect of preventing aging, especially “aging of the brain”.
Active oxygen that is excessively produced in our body causes oxidative damage, and its accumulation is thought to contribute to aging.
Tea catechins show strong antioxidant activity.
Daily feeding of tea catechins to mice reduced oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species, and suppressed brain atrophy and deterioration of learning and memory abilities.
In people who drink several cups of tea (green tea) a day, it is thought that brain aging is suppressed compared to those who do not.
Modern society is said to be a stress society, and many people have some kind of stress.
Long-term stress is thought to not only trigger depression and dementia, but also accelerate aging.
It was found that long-term stress in mice shortens their lifespan. In addition, it was found to promote brain atrophy and decline in learning and memory ability. However, it was found that even if mice were similarly stressed, the shortening of lifespan and acceleration of brain aging due to stress were suppressed when theanine was ingested. The anti-stress effects of theanine are counteracted to some extent by the catechins and caffeine contained in tea (green tea).
However, it has also been found that drinking tea containing a large amount of theanine (green tea) exerts the anti-stress effect of theanine.
By drinking delicious tea (green tea) every day, it is thought that you will acquire the ability to overcome stress without knowing it.
Based on the above, it is speculated that tea catechins and theanine contained in tea (green tea) have the effect of preventing dementia by preventing aging of the brain.
Stress relief

When you drink tea, you feel relieved not only by its taste, but also by its aroma and color.
It has become possible to explain this phenomenon with the ingredients contained in tea.
Theanine, an amino acid unique to green tea, has a similar chemical structure to glutamic acid, which plays an important role in the brain.
Therefore, it is thought that theanine may also have some effect in the brain. Several animal studies have shown that theanine given to animals is taken up by the brain and affects neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are substances that control various behaviors such as memory, learning, emotions, sleep, and appetite.
In order to investigate the possibility that theanine also affects brain function, we conducted several tests on memory and learning. As a result, giving rats theanine improved brain functions related to memory and learning.
Effect on brain waves: Relaxation effect

To investigate the effects of theanine on humans, brain waves were measured first. As a result, the frequency of alpha waves, which are emitted when in a relaxed state, increased 30-40 minutes after taking theanine. Therefore, it was believed that theanine has a calming effect and its effect on premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a female-specific irritability phenomenon, was examined. Women with PMS symptoms were given theanine or a placebo during the period from ovulation to menstruation without their knowledge. As a result, theanine improved both mental and physical complaints.
It can be said that the traditional saying “drinking tea makes you feel relaxed” is due to this effect. In modern society, where stress is high, having a moment to relax is important, and I believe that green tea is a very useful beverage, not only for preventing the decline of brain function due to aging.
Prevent Oxidative Stress

Tea leaves contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and catechins. These are easily dissolved in water or hot water and can be easily taken into the body by drinking tea.
As is well known, vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the production of collagen, which accounts for about 30% of body proteins. It also plays an extremely important role in preventing the over-oxidation of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and even DNA (nucleic acids), maintaining the integrity of metabolic and information transmission in the body.
On the other hand, it has been found that tea catechins, especially EGCG, have a strong antioxidant effect that exceeds vitamin C in various experiments in test tubes.
Every day, we take in oxygen from the air and metabolize food ingredients from our diet oxidatively, converting them into energy to live. However, when we are under strong mental or physical stress (anxiety, fear, bereavement, strong light, radiation, various chemicals), some of this oxygen becomes active oxygen/free radicals, causing so-called “oxidative stress”. This can lead to many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and digestive diseases. Vitamin C and tea catechins quickly react with the active oxygen/free radicals that occur in the body and neutralize them.
It has been proven that the levels of 8-OHdG (a biomarker associated with mutations and cancer) – a product of DNA (nucleic acids) oxidation in the body – are lower in people who consume tea or tea catechins continuously for one month, compared to the values of urine or blood before consuming them.
In a study examining the effect of green tea extract on the oxidation of LDL (so-called bad cholesterol) in the blood (a biomarker deeply related to the development of arteriosclerosis), the antioxidant activity of LDL in the blood of 22 volunteers who took 300mg of green tea extract twice a day before breakfast and dinner for one week was found to have increased compared to when they did not consume green tea extract.
In addition, tea contains theanine, which is said to have a relaxing effect. By drinking tea as an “anti-stress drink” on a daily basis, it is believed that one can prevent lifestyle-related diseases and aging, and maintain a healthy body and mind.
Prevent Harm from Radiation

In recent years, the impact of radiation on the body has become a significant issue. Radiation is classified into alpha, gamma, X-rays, and other types, and it breaks down the water in the body, creating reactive oxygen species (radical species) such as unstable hydroxyl radicals. These radical species can react with nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and other components of the body, causing various disorders and possibly leading to cancer. Therefore, reducing the various effects of radiation exposure is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
It has been reported that green tea extract has a radiation protection effect. The components of green tea, such as tea catechins, eliminate radical species and remove various disorders.
In fact, the effects of green tea extract on chromosomal abnormalities induced by gamma radiation were examined in mice, and it was found that green tea extract reduced chromosomal abnormalities.
It has also been found that the antioxidative power of green tea, including catechins, contributes to this effect (radical species elimination).
Green tea is a beverage commonly consumed by the Japanese on a daily basis, and its protective effect can be expected even when exposed to radiation for an extended period.
Prevention of food poisoning and dental caries
Bacterial food poisoning accounts for about 50% of food poisoning cases, with about 10,000 people affected each year.
Common bacteria that cause food poisoning include Campylobacter, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157.
Bacterial food poisoning can be divided into two types: infection type caused by Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and toxin type caused by Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli O157.
Staphylococcus aureus grows in food and produces enterotoxins. Food poisoning occurs when these toxins are ingested with the contaminated food. E. coli O157 produces verotoxins when it grows in the intestine after ingestion with food, causing food poisoning. It has been demonstrated that catechins in tea have a bactericidal effect and an antitoxin (detoxification) effect. Tea catechins destroy the cell membranes and cell walls of many pathogenic bacteria, working like antibiotics. Additionally, tea catechins quickly bind to many toxins produced by bacteria, rendering them inactive and detoxifying them in a way similar to antitoxin antibodies. The bactericidal and antitoxin effects of tea catechins are fully expressed in the amount of catechins contained in daily tea consumption. Among tea catechins, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the main player in these effects. Tea catechins can kill most bacterial food poisoning pathogens within a few hours to 24 hours. In the case of E. coli O157, 10,000 bacteria can be completely killed within 3 to 5 hours with 1 ml of tea of the same concentration consumed daily (see figure below). Even a small amount of tea catechins has been shown to detoxify enterotoxins and verotoxins not only in test tubes but also in infection experiments using mice.
Tea catechins have strong acid resistance and are absorbed into the large intestine after being ingested. Therefore, drinking tea during meals or after meals can exhibit a bactericidal and antitoxin effect against food poisoning pathogens and toxins in the stomach and intestines, preventing food poisoning. The first infusion of tea, which contains a lot of catechins, is recommended. This food poisoning prevention effect can be expected not only in green tea containing catechins but also in oolong tea and black tea (which contains theaflavins with similar effects to tea catechins). Sugared black tea is recommended for children who do not like the bitterness of green tea. However, theaflavins combine with proteins in milk, and bactericidal and antitoxin effects are lost. Therefore, milk tea should be avoided. For green tea as well, it is wise to avoid drinking it with milk to prevent food poisoning.
Prevention of Tooth Decay and Improvement of Oral Hygiene
Japanese people typically drink tea daily, and after meals, they rinse their mouth with tea. This leaves the mouth feeling refreshed and eliminates any odors from the food. Various studies have shown that tea also has antibacterial properties that can combat the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease, which has been confirmed in humans.
Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth that create a sticky, insoluble glucan when there is sugar present. This glucan, along with other microorganisms, sticks to the teeth, creating plaque. Acid is produced in this plaque, which then dissolves the enamel on the teeth, leading to tooth decay.
Tea catechins have been shown to have antibacterial properties against the bacteria that cause tooth decay, as well as to inhibit the activity of the enzyme (glucosyltransferase) that creates glucans, preventing the bacteria from sticking to the teeth. Various effects of tea catechins have been shown to prevent and improve tooth decay. Furthermore, animal experiments have shown that adding tea catechins to sweet snacks (caramel, chocolate, candy, etc.) makes them less likely to cause tooth decay.
Various products, such as sweets, toothpaste, and wet wipes for babies, have been developed to take advantage of the effects of tea catechins.
On the other hand, gum disease is a dental disease that, like tooth decay, can cause tooth loss and is important for middle-aged and elderly people to prevent and treat to maintain a healthy diet. Gum disease occurs when plaque accumulates in the periodontal pockets between the teeth and gums, causing periodontitis as bacteria grow, leading to the absorption of alveolar bone and recession of the gums, and ultimately resulting in tooth loss.
Tea catechins have been shown to have antibacterial properties against the bacteria that cause gum disease and to inhibit enzyme activity such as collagenase, which is related to the absorption of alveolar bone.
Tea catechins have also been shown to improve bad breath. There are various types of bad breath, including physiological or pathological bad breath, and bad breath caused by food or habits. The former is caused by metabolic or secretion problems, oral diseases such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, while the latter is caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, garlic, etc., or by the decay or oxidation of food residue in the mouth. Tea catechins can directly bind with odor components chemically, suppress the growth of bacteria causing tooth decay or gum disease, and also prevent the oxidation of fats, thus improving bad breath. Tea catechins are used in various products such as gum, candy, and supplements for their deodorizing effects.

Comparison of nutrients between Matcha, Green tea, and Gyokuro

Nutrients in Matcha
Per 100g:
Energy: 331 kcal / Water: 2.8 g / Protein: 24.5 g / Fat: 4.7 g / Carbohydrates: 47.7 g / Ash: 5.0 g / Sodium: 3 mg / Potassium: 2200 mg / Calcium: 450 mg / Magnesium: 200 mg / Phosphorus: 290 mg / Iron: 20.0 mg / Zinc: 3.2 mg / Copper: 1.30 mg / Manganese: 55.00 mg / Iodine: 4 µg / Selenium: 3 µg / Chromium: 8 µg / Molybdenum: 1 µg / Beta-carotene: 13000 µg / Retinol: 1100 µg / Vitamin E: 78.6 mg / Vitamin K: 1400 µg / Vitamin B1: 0.36 mg / Vitamin B2: 1.43 mg / Niacin: 4.1 mg / Niacin equivalent: 8.2 mg / Vitamin B6: 0.46 mg / Folate: 1300 µg / Pantothenic acid: 3.10 mg / Biotin: 51.6 µg / Vitamin C: 260 mg / Saturated fatty acids: 0.62 g / Cholesterol: N/A Dietary fiber: 46.5 g / Caffeine: 2.3 g / Tannin: 13.0 g

Nutrients in Green tea powder
Per 100g:
Energy: 331 kcal / Water: 2.8 g / Protein: 24.5 g / Fat: 4.7 g / Carbohydrates: 47.7 g / Ash: 5.0 g / Sodium: 3 mg / Potassium: 2200 mg / Calcium: 450 mg / Magnesium: 200 mg / Phosphorus: 290 mg / Iron: 20.0 mg / Zinc: 3.2 mg / Copper: 1.30 mg / Manganese: 55.00 mg / Iodine: 4 µg / Selenium: 3 µg / Chromium: 8 µg / Molybdenum: 1 µg / Beta-carotene: 13000 µg / Retinol: 1100 µg / Vitamin E: 78.6 mg / Vitamin K: 1400 µg / Vitamin B1: 0.36 mg / Vitamin B2: 1.43 mg / Niacin: 4.1 mg / Niacin equivalent: 8.2 mg / Vitamin B6: 0.46 mg / Folate: 1300 µg / Pantothenic acid: 3.10 mg / Biotin: 51.6 µg / Vitamin C: 260 mg / Saturated fatty acids: 0.62 g / Cholesterol: N/A Dietary fiber: 46.5 g / Caffeine: 2.3 g / Tannins: 13.0 g

Nutrients in Green tea
Per 100g:
Energy: 2 kcal / Water: 99.4 g / Protein: 0.2 g / Fat: 0 g / Carbohydrate: 0.2 g / Ash: 0.1 g / Sodium: 3 mg / Potassium: 27 mg / Calcium: 3 mg / Magnesium: 2 mg / Phosphorus: 2 mg / Iron: 0.2 mg / Zinc: 0 mg / Copper: 0.01 mg / Manganese: 0.31 mg Iodine: 0 μg / Selenium: 0 μg / Chromium: 0 μg / Molybdenum: 0 μg / Beta-carotene: 0 μg / Retinol: 0 μg / Vitamin E: 0 mg / Vitamin K: 0 μg / Vitamin B1: 0 mg / Vitamin B2: 0.05 mg / Niacin: 0.2 mg / Niacin equivalent: 0.2 mg / Vitamin B6: 0.01 mg / Folate: 16 μg / Pantothenic acid: 0.01 mg / Biotin: 0.8 μg / Vitamin C: 6 mg / Saturated fatty acids: 0 g / Cholesterol: 0 mg Dietary fiber: 0 g / Caffeine: 0.02 g / Tannin: 0.07 g

Nutrients contained in Powdered Gyokuro
Per 100g:
Energy: 329 kcal / Water: 3.1 g / Protein: 29.1 g / Fat: 4.1 g / Carbohydrate: 43.9 g / Ash: 6.3 g / Sodium: 11 mg / Potassium: 2800 mg / Calcium: 390 mg / Magnesium: 210 mg / Phosphorus: 410 mg / Iron: 10.0 mg / Zinc: 4.3 mg / Copper: 0.84 mg / Manganese: 71.00 mg / Iodine: not specified / Selenium: not specified / Chromium: not specified / Molybdenum: not specified / Beta-carotene: 21000 µg / Retinol: 1800 µg / Vitamin E: 18 mg / Vitamin K: 4000 µg / Vitamin B1: 0.30 mg / Vitamin B2: 1.16 mg / Niacin: 6.0 mg / Niacin equivalent: 10.9 mg / Vitamin B6: 0.69 mg / Folate: 1000 µg / Pantothenic acid: 4.10 mg / Biotin: not specified / Vitamin C: 110 mg / Saturated fatty acids: not specified / Cholesterol: not specified / Dietary fiber: 87.8 g / Caffeine: 3.5 g / Tannin: 10.0 g

Nutrients contained in Gyokuro
Per 100g:
Energy: 5 kcal / Water: 97.8 g / Protein: 1.3 g / Fat: 0 g / Carbohydrate: 0 g / Ash: 0.5 g / Sodium: 2 mg / Potassium: 340 mg / Calcium: 4 mg / Magnesium: 15 mg / Phosphorus: 30 mg / Iron: 0.2 mg / Zinc: 0.3 mg / Copper: 0.02 mg / Manganese: 4.60 mg / Iodine: 0 µg / Selenium: 0 µg / Chromium: 0 µg / Molybdenum: 0 µg / Beta-carotene: 0 µg / Retinol: 0 µg / Vitamin E: 0 mg / Vitamin K: 0 µg / Vitamin B1: 0.02 mg / Vitamin B2: 0.11 mg / Niacin: 0.6 mg / Niacin equivalent: 0.8 mg / Vitamin B6: 0.07 mg / Folic acid: 150 µg / Pantothenic acid: 0.24 mg / Biotin: 0 µg / Vitamin C: 19 mg / Saturated fatty acids: 0 g / Cholesterol: 0 mg / Dietary fiber: 0 g / Caffeine: 0.16 g / Tannin: 0.23 g
As shown in the table above, the nutritional components of green tea are significantly reduced when extracted with hot water or cold water. If you want to consume more of the nutrients in green tea, we recommend powdered green tea.
70% of tea (green tea) ingredients are insoluble in water?

Catechins, caffeine, vitamin C, amino acids, vitamin B, flavonoids, and other nutrients in green tea are water-soluble, so you can still absorb these nutrients by drinking tea (green tea) as usual with hot water. However, surprisingly, 70% of the nutritional components of green tea, such as dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, chlorophyll, and protein, are insoluble in water! It’s a shame to think that even if you’re drinking tea (green tea) for your health, you’re throwing away 70% of the important nutrients. If you want to consume all the nutrients in green tea, we recommend powdered green tea!
Benefits and effects of tea (green tea)

The effects of caffeine in green tea:
Green tea also contains tannins, so the stimulating effect of caffeine in tea works more slowly and is weaker than that of coffee.
- Reducing fatigue
- Reducing drowsiness
- Awakening
- Improved concentration
- Improved motor control during exercise.

Effects of Saponins found in Green Tea
Saponins are a component found in tea leaves that give rise to the “foaming” characteristic, as seen in Matcha tea. The bitterness and astringency of tea leaves are attributed to saponins. They have antibacterial and antiviral properties.
- Antioxidant effects
- Immune system enhancement
- Obesity prevention
- Improved blood flow
- Improved liver function
- Suppresses coughing and phlegm production
- Antibacterial effects
- Antiviral effects

Green Tea Catechin Effects
Catechins (tannins) are the “astringent” components of tea.
- Inhibition of blood pressure elevation
- Regulation of blood cholesterol levels
- Regulation of blood sugar levels
- Antioxidant effects
- Anti-aging effects
- Anti-cancer effects (esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer)
- Antibacterial effects
- Prevention of cavities
- Anti-allergy effects
- Inhibition of body fat accumulation.

Green tea contains minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. Especially, Gyokuro and Matcha contain a lot of minerals.
- Improvement of nerve and muscle function
- Promotion of bone and teeth formation
- Mental stability
- Prevention of arteriosclerosis
- Anti-aging

In addition to theanine, which makes up more than half of the amino acids in tea, other amino acids such as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine are also contained in green tea.
- Liver function protection
- Fatigue recovery
- Diuretic effect

Effects of Theanine contained in green tea
Theanine is the component responsible for the “umami” or savory taste of green tea. It is produced in the roots, stored in the leaves via the stem, and exposed to sunlight, it is converted to catechins. Gyokuro tea has particularly high levels of theanine.
- Relaxation effect
- Anti-stress effect
- Improved sleep quality (refreshment upon waking, deep sleep, and recovery from fatigue)
- Improved symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Alleviation of physical and mental stress
- Prevention of dementia
- Improved mood

Green tea contains dietary fiber in its tea leaves. As tea fiber is not easily dissolved in hot water, consuming powdered green tea or matcha by eating the tea leaves directly can increase dietary fiber intake.
The benefits of dietary fiber in green tea include:
- Prevention of diabetes
- Inhibition of cholesterol absorption
- Regulation of intestinal functions
- Prevention of cancer
- Inhibition of blood glucose elevation.

The green tea leaves contain β-carotene, which is known for its antioxidant effects and is also found in carrots. Since β-carotene is not soluble in water, it can be consumed in larger amounts by eating green tea leaves in the form of matcha or powdered green tea.
- Antioxidant effect
- Anti-aging
- Cancer prevention
- Strengthening the immune system
- Maintaining visual acuity
- Preventing lifestyle diseases

Green tea contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Among them, sencha contains a rich amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C is generated by sunlight, so sencha, which is produced by blocking sunlight, contains more vitamin C than gyokuro, matcha, and kabusecha.
- Prevention of colds
- Anti-aging
- Cancer prevention
- Fatigue recovery
- Prevention of lifestyle diseases
- Antioxidant effects

Green tea contains a component called chlorophyll, which gives it its green color.
Effects of chlorophyll include:
- Deodorizing effect
- Detoxification effect
- Relief from constipation
- Improvement in anemia
- Prevention of bad breath and body odor
- Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects

Fluoride is found in various foods, but it is particularly abundant in the tea leaves of green tea.
・Prevention of dental caries (tooth decay)
Reasons to Drink Green Tea Daily, Which was Once Regarded as a "Medicine"
In 1211, the Zen monk Eisai wrote in his book “Kissa Yojoki” that “tea is the ultimate medicine for all diseases.” Tea contains abundant natural nutrients that are good for the body. While bottled and canned tea is also good, it is recommended to drink tea (especially green tea) with as few additives as possible every day.

A cup of green tea contains numerous natural health-promoting ingredients, and these are blended together to create a unique aroma and flavor. Without even realizing it, by enjoying green tea daily, various components within the tea are helping to regulate our physical condition and promote overall health.

Green tea contains catechins, which have antibacterial properties that inhibit bacterial growth and detoxify toxins. Green tea has been found to have a strong bactericidal effect against cholera bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, and Shigella dysenteriae, among others, and recent research has discovered its ability to kill pathogenic E. coli O157.

Vitamin C can only be obtained from external sources. Green tea contains vitamin C, which is resistant to heat and is also strong in storage. From a beauty standpoint, it is said to prevent the loss of skin elasticity and moisture, and inhibit the production of melanin pigments that darken skin tone. It has also been reported to have preventive and curative effects on various diseases.

The caffeine in green tea acts gently thanks to the amino acids it contains, and it has been proven in experiments to enhance memory and decision-making abilities. It is also known to improve physical performance and provide mental relaxation. A cup of green tea is an essential drink for sports, driving, and studying.

Green tea is a high alkaline beverage rich in minerals, which is suitable for preventing oxidation in the body. It is amazing that a single cup of green tea contains many beneficial components compactly. Green tea is a non-caloric food, which means you can drink as much as you like without worrying about gaining weight. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

Green tea has been a hot topic as it is said to suppress the formation of peroxidized lipids in the body and prevent aging. Research has shown that green tea has an effect that is about 20 times greater than that of vitamin E. Additionally, studies presented at academic conferences have indicated that green tea has an antioxidant effect that can prevent arteriosclerosis and stroke, according to animal experiments.

It has been proposed that “drinking a cup of tea every day will halve children’s cavities.” It has been announced that there are components in tea that significantly inhibit the growth of oral bacteria, which are the main cause of cavities. It is also known to have a deodorizing effect on bad breath and is used in chewing gum and other products.

Studies conducted by the National Institute of Genetics and other research institutions have shown that the tannins and saponins found in tea have an effect in suppressing the development of cancer. It is also known that regions where tea is produced have a lower mortality rate from stomach cancer.

In recent years, the preventative effects of green tea on colds and influenza have gained attention as a nutritional benefit of green tea. In today’s unpredictable world where new diseases like the novel coronavirus pneumonia are spreading not only in Japan but around the world, it is important to strengthen our immune system to protect ourselves. Green tea, which is a familiar drink to us Japanese, contains powerful natural nutrients. Let’s reconsider the benefits of Japanese green tea and make it a habit to drink it every day for our health.
Catechins are a type of natural antioxidant found in green tea, and they are known for their many health benefits. In fact, green tea contains more catechins than any other type of tea. Catechins are a type of flavonoid, which are plant-based compounds that have antioxidant properties. The most abundant and well-studied catechin in green tea is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Catechins have been found to have many health benefits, such as helping to prevent cancer, reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and boosting the immune system. EGCG, in particular, has been studied extensively for its potential anti-cancer properties. It has been shown to help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and even induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in some types of cancer cells. Catechins also have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which may help protect against certain infections.
In addition to their health benefits, catechins also contribute to the unique flavor and aroma of green tea. They are responsible for the tea’s slightly bitter taste and astringency.
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